- He served as head of the department for three years; She served in Congress for two terms; They served as medics in Vietnam. 他在这个部任负责人三年了;她在议会供职两任;他们在越南做医务工作。
- She served in congress . 她在国会供职。
- She served in the medical corps. 她在医务部队服过役。
- She served in the Navy for four years. 她在海军服役四年。
- Then she served in embassies in Estonia, Austria and Turkey. 之后还曾供职于美国驻爱沙利亚、奥地利和土耳其的大使馆。
- Many American Presidents served in Congress before they became President. 美国的许多总统在当选为总统前都在国会中当过议员。
- Many American Presidents served in Congress before they became Presidents. 很多美国总统在他们当选之前都在国会任过职。
- Charles Stenholm, a Texas Democrat who has served in Congress since 1979. 其他人指出,美国国债目前有相当大的比例是外国人购买的,这毕竟是个不确定的因素。
- Jackson, born in a farm family, had studied law and served in various public offices in the state of Tennessee and in Congress. 杰克逊出身于农民家庭,学过法律,担任过田纳西州的多种公职,当过国会议员。
- S.Foreign Service in 2004.Prior to working in Beijing, she served in Dhaka, Bangladesh as the Human Rights Officer and a Consular Officer. 在来北京任职之前,曾于美国驻孟加拉达卡使馆任职人事官和领事官。
- After Hoiling's graduation in June 2007, she served in China Congregational Church (Church of Christ in China) as an assistant preacher in Church Music (part-time). 2007年6月毕业后,潘传道于中华基督教会公理堂任职助理圣乐宣教师(部份时间)。
- This matter will be discussed in congress tomorrow. 这个问题将在明天的代表大会上讨论。
- She served in Vietnam. 她在越南服兵役。
- Snails are usually served in their shells. 蜗牛通常连壳被端上餐桌。
- She served as a typist in the bank for many years. 她在银行当了多年的打字员。
- Rodney Frelinghuysen, from New Jersey, is the sixth generation of his family to serve in Congress. 来自新泽西的罗德尼.;弗里林海森则是在国会供职的第六代家族成员。
- He once served in diplomatic service. 他曾一度干外交工作。
- The district's new representative will be Anh “Joseph” Cao, the first Vietnamese-American to serve in Congress. 新当选的AnhJosephCao将成为首位越南裔的国会议员。
- She served two years in prison for theft. 她因偷窃服了两年刑。
- The power to declare war resides in Congress. 宣战的权力属于国会。